Reverse Scrolling

Mac OSX Lion recently came out and one of the things that people either love or hate about the OS is the reverse scrolling. Apple took years and years of mouse knowledge and literally reversed it. In Lion you no longer scroll the scroll wheel on your mouse down to move the page down. You…

iPad 2

Tomorrow, or more accurately at 3am this morning, I will be ordering the iPad 2. I’ve been wanting an iPad for a long time. I love my iPhone and would love to have an iPad to blog, browse the net, read books, etc on. Basically, I’ll be using my iPad as a replacement for my…

Surprise Birthday DVD

For my Grandma and Grandpa Moss’ surprise birthday party I was given the task of creating a slideshow dvd of old pictures, much like the one I did for my Grandpa Schepker’s funeral. This is the finished result. Created using Garage Band and iMovie on my iMac. Glenn and Joyce Moss Slideshow from Mike Schepker…